
Over the years our ping-pong tables have very often been seen in TV broadcasts, advertising spots and movies. Through this our ping-pong tables are not only brought to attention but also shown that they can be used for a variety of purposes. In some spots a ping-pong table is in the picture to show that there is a movie being made at a school. This is shown in the Dutch movie “Alles is Liefde” en in some advertising spots, as well as very often during interviews taken by actual TV-news.

HeBlad Multi games table

As from today, we can make a multi games table made to measure for our clients, tant can be used to ...

Summer Closure 2022

Winter closure 2022-2023

Corona Covid-19 Virus

Summer Closure 2020

Winter closure 2019-2020

Stand Awards at Saltex

Yesterday evening we where very suprised, we

Full truck of concrete tables for Ireland

A large number of concrete tables are leaving our factory...

New HeBlad dealer for Ireland

We are delighted to announce Merna Specialist Distributors Ltd. as our sole distributor for the  3...

Overview exibitions 2017/2018

Overview exibitions 2017/2018

Exhibition NEC Birmingham

On 1 and 2 November we will be represented at the NEC

Overview exibitions 2016/2017

As soon as the summer holidays are over we start into a new cycle of exhibitions, In...

Football table in a skiing area in Switserland

At the moment that our driver delivered the football table the depth of snow was more than 3 meters...

Our Products to Australia and Latvia

Last week Friday we loaded a container with table tennis tables and

Chess Table of polished concrete

This concrete set consists of a bottom plate with a chess table and..

Football Table has seen the light of day

In the late summer of 2014 we designed and made the first drawings of this new product. Five month l...

HeBlad the Danish way

Website for Denmark in 3 languages. Our ping-pong tables travel further and further away. Because on...

First ping-pong table delivered in Denmark

This morning at 7 o’clock the first ping-pong table has been delivered to Denmark. Right on schedu...

Oval benches were received with big cheers.

Our oval benches were received with big cheers. This elegant model of a concrete bench gives you a l...

Delivery overseas to Northern Ireland.

Also in Northern Ireland they have discovered our ping-pong tables. The first delivery to Belfast is...